(English below)
- 健康保険料
「標準報酬月額」の約9.9%を健康保険料として、会社と半額ずつ負担します。この標準報酬月額は、給与額面に交通費を加算した額とほぼ同じです。 - 介護保険料
40~64歳の被保険者の場合、「標準報酬月額」の1.65%を会社と半額ずつ負担します。 - 厚生年金保険料
①~③を合わせて「社会保険料」といい、実に給与額面の約30%もの負担となっています。これは平成15年の約23%、平成20年の約25%、平成25年の約28%と右肩上がりとなっており、購入したモノ・サービスの金額に対し課税される消費税(5%→8%→10%)とは、負担額・負担増加率共に比べものになりません。 - 雇用保険料
月々の給与額面や交通費、各種手当の合計額の0.9%を負担します(このうち会社が0.6%を負担し、残額が個人負担として給与から天引きされます)。なお、保険料率は業種により異なる場合があります。 - 所得税
給与額面とほぼ同額に対し負担が課せられる上記の保険料とは異なり、所得税は給与額面から給与所得控除(仕事上の経費を簡便的に求めたもの。一般的には給与額面の約2~3割です)を控除し、さらに配偶者を扶養しているなどの生活状況を考慮した「所得控除」を控除します。こうして算出された額を「課税所得」といい、その額が大きくなるにつれて税率が高くなる「超過累進税率」が適用されます。税率は5%から始まり、課税所得が4千万円を超える場合は最高税率である45%で課税されます。 - 住民税
- 国民健康保険料
前年1~12月の収入から仕入額や最低限の経費を差し引いた「所得」に対して約9.4%を負担します。さらに、被保険者が40~64歳の場合は約1.5%の「介護分」が課されます。このようにして算出した「所得割額」のほかに、国民健康保険に加入する家族の人数に対して約5万円(40~64歳の家族については別途約1万5千円)の「均等割額」を支払う必要があります。主にサラリーマンが加入する健康保険では、この保険料は会社が半額を負担してくれますが、個人事業主が加入するこの国民健康保険では、本人が全額を負担しなければなりません。 - 国民年金保険料
月々の給与と交通費等をもとに決定される「標準報酬月額」に応じて保険料が変動する厚生年金保険とは異なり、国民年金保険は毎月定額の負担となります。住んでいる自治体によって変わりますが、20~59歳の家族の人数に対して一人あたり約1万6千円ほどの負担となります。 - 所得税
1~12月の収入から収入を得るためにかかった必要経費を控除し、さらに配偶者控除等の所得控除額を減額します。こうして算出された「課税所得」に、所得に応じた税率をかけて納税額を求めます。このときの税率はサラリーマンの場合と同様、超過累進税率となっています。 - 住民税
計算方法は所得税とほぼ同様ですが、所得税は所得に応じて税率が変わる超過累進税率が適用されるところ、住民税の場合は一律10%が適用されます。また、住民税は所得に基づいて算出された上記の「所得割」だけでなく、均一に負担する必要がある「均等割」があります。均等割は住んでいる自治体によって変わりますが、4~5千円というところが多いようです。 - 個人事業税
いかがでしたでしょうか。岩沢将志 公認会計士・税理士事務所では、個人事業主・中小企業様の様々なご要望にお応えしています。記帳代行や給与計算代行のご依頼以外にも、「無駄な税金を減らしたい」、「自社の経理を効率化したい」、「事業を軌道に乗せたい」等お考えの方は是非ご連絡下さい。今回ご紹介した各種保険料や税金の節約方法などもご提案致します。
Health insurance fee, pension fee and some taxes are basically withheld from your salary. This is a main reason why some people are unfamiliar with them. In this page, you’ll figure out the outline of insurance fee and taxes you are imposed.
【in the case you are employed by a company】
- Social health insurance premium(健康保険料)
Your premiums are calculated based on your salary. Your company will pay half of the premiums while you cover the other half, which is deducted from your monthly salary. Though your monthly premiums are decided by your company’s insurance organization, about 9.9% of your salary is imposed as the premium. - Nursing insurance premium(介護保険料)
Nursing insurance provide benefits like assistance at home for people aged 65 years and over. Employees aged 40 to 64, have to pay a Nursing insurance premium in addition to the Social health insurance premium. Current rate for the Nursing insurance is 1.65%. It is calculated in the same manner as the Health insurance. - Employee pension insurance premium(厚生年金保険料)
Employees are basically covered by Employee pension insurance. The contribution rate is approximately 18.3% of wages, which is split between employers and employees.
These premium are called the Social insurance premium(社会保険料), the rate of which has continuously been increasing these days. - Unemployment insurance premium(雇用保険料)
Premiums are calculated as 0.9% of each worker’s total wage in principle (The employer paying 0.6% and the employee paying the other 0.3%). - Income tax(所得税)
Japan uses a progressive income tax system. This means that the more money you make, the more you’ll owe in taxes. The tax rates are from 5% to 45%. The tax is applied to the taxable income, which is the total income minus expenses and tax deductions. - Residence tax(住民税)
This tax is based on the previous year’s income and must be paid if an individual has lived in Japan for more than a year. The tax rate is fixed to 10% while the income tax rate varies depending on your salary. In addition to this, you need to pay approximately 5,000 JPY. Residents pay this tax to the municipality that they live in as of January 1. Employed workers have their residence taxes withheld monthly throughout the year.
【in the case you are self-employed】
Applying for Social health insurance and Employee Pension Insurance is mandatory for companies and individuals who employ 5 or more workers. In this chapter, We introduce the tax burden in the other circumstances.
- National health insurance premium(国民健康保険料)
How much you pay for this is calculated based on your annual income from January to December in the previous year. It is managed by each municipal government (ward, city or town) in Japan and each city charges different rates. This means the premium is different depending on the city you live in (Approximately 9.4% of your annual income is imposed as the premium). Unlike Social health insurance premium, you should pay whole amount of the premium. For reference, the highest premiums is approximately 900,000/year in Tokyo. - National pension premium(国民年金保険料)
The National pension system was introduced in 1959 and is mandatory for all residents between 20 and 59 years of age. For the self-employed, the contribution amounts to approximately 16,000 JPY a month. - Income tax(所得税)
Japan uses a progressive income tax system. This means that the more money you make, the more you’ll owe in taxes. The tax rates are from 5% to 45%. The tax is applied to the taxable income, which is the total income minus expenses and tax deductions. - Residence tax(住民税)
This tax is based on the previous year’s income and must be paid if an individual has lived in Japan for more than a year. The tax rate is fixed to 10% while the income tax rate varies depending on your salary. In addition to this, you need to pay approximately 5,000 JPY. Residents pay this tax to the municipality that they live in as of January 1. You pay the tax in 4 installments. - Enterprise tax(個人事業税)
In the case where the amount of revenue minus expense exceeds 2,900,000 JPY, you need to pay the tax. The tax is 5% of the exceeding amount.
We, Iwasawa Tokyo Accounting, are committed to helping those who engage in their business in Tokyo mainly in accounting & tax point of view. Let us help you realize your goal! We look forward to doing business with you!