(English below)
収入 - 経費 = 事業(給与)所得 |
事業所得 - 所得控除 = 課税所得 |
課税所得 × 税率 = 所得税額 |
所得税額 - 税額控除 = 申告納税額 |
- 担当者が毎年のように変わる
- 税理士が高圧的で意見交換できない
- 税理士から節税策など何の提案もない
- 試算表をタイムリーに出してくれない
- 試算表の説明を受けたことがない
- クラウド会計に対応していない
- ほとんど税理士が来てくれない
- 質問しても回答がない、嫌な顔をされる
- 現在の税理士が高齢でこの先が不安
How is the income tax calculated?
Individual income taxes are deducted from your salary if you are employed by a company. Under this situation, you might find it difficult to know how much tax you should pay. In this page, you’ll figure out how the tax is calculated.
Income tax is levied on your taxable income. Taxable income is calculated the amount of sales minus expenses. The expenses deductible is the one spent in order to increase or maintain business. It includes, for example, office supplies, office rent, banquet with clients and so on. If you are employed by a company, the expense is determined by a certain formula based on your income.
Sales - Expenses = Income |
Next, you calculate your taxable income with the formula below. Income deductions vary from person to person. There are various types of deductions under consideration of each individual’s circumstances such as family members and payment of insurance fee.
Income - Income deduction = Taxable income |
The tax is calculated by subtracting the various income deductions from the total amount of income and then multiplying the progressive tax rates.
Taxable income × Tax rate = Amount of tax |
The tax credits can, where applicable, be claimed. For example, housing loan credits can be largely credited against the amount of tax.
Amount of tax - Tax credits = Amount of tax after tax credits |
This is how you calculate the amount of the tax you pay. A final tax return must be filed by March 15. But a person who is employed by a company are not required to file a tax return in principle since the tax liabilities are settled through a year end adjustment of income tax on the salaries made by the employer.
We, Iwasawa Tokyo Accounting, are committed to helping those who engage in their business in Tokyo mainly in accounting & tax point of view. Let us help you realize your goal! We look forward to doing business with you!