確定申告を忘れたときの罰金/Additional tax for failure to file a tax return











  • 過少申告加算税:追加本税の35%
  • 無申告加算税 :納付すべき税金の40%
  • 不納付加算税 :納付すべき税金の35%








  • 担当者が毎年のように変わる
  • 税理士が高圧的で意見交換できない
  • 税理士から節税策など何の提案もない
  • 試算表をタイムリーに出してくれない
  • 試算表の説明を受けたことがない
  • クラウド会計に対応していない
  • ほとんど税理士が来てくれない
  • 質問しても回答がない、嫌な顔をされる
  • 現在の税理士が高齢でこの先が不安









 The deadline for the tax return is approaching. It’s March 15.

Those who are self-employed or employees who earned 200,000 yen or more other than salary from their company are basically required to file a tax return.

But be careful, because tax offices don’t let you know if you need to do so. If you miss it, you will have to pay extra tax.

In this page, you’ll figure out the outline of penalty that is imposed in case you neglect to file a tax return.

【Additional tax】

 Additional tax will be imposed if you fail to file a final tax return by the due date or understated your tax declarations. There are 4 types as below.

1. Additional tax due to understatement
 In principle, an additional tax of 10% is imposed on the understated amount of principal tax shown on an amended return from the taxpayer or correction of the tax authority. Where such an understated amount exceeds the greater of the amount shown on the final tax return filed before the statutory due date for filing or 500,000 yen, the rate of the additional tax increased to 15% with respect to the excess amount. If a taxpayer files the amended return voluntarily, the additional tax is not imposed.

2. Additional tax for failure to file
 In principle, an additional tax of 15% is imposed on the amount of principal tax where a final tax return was filed after the statutory due date. In cases where such an amount exceeds 500,000 yen, the rate of the additional tax increases to 20% with respect to the excess amount. If a taxpayer files the return voluntarily after the statutory due date, the rate of the additional tax reduces to 5%.

3. Additional tax on non-payment
 Regarding the withholding tax amount, in principle, an additional tax of 10% will be imposed on non-payment of principal tax in cases of payment notification after the deadline. If a taxpayer pays taxes voluntarily after the statutory due date, the rate of the additional tax reduces to 5%.

4. Heavy additional tax
 In principle, a heavy additional tax of 35% for understatement or 40% for failure to file is imposed where a taxpayer disguises or hides all or a part of the underlying facts for taxation. In cases where an additional tax for failure to file or heavy additional tax has been imposed on the tax in question within 5 years, the above-mentioned rates of an additional tax for failure to file are increased by 10%.

【Delinquent tax】

 In principle, delinquent tax is imposed according to the number of days starting from the day following the statutory due date for tax payment to the day on which the principal tax is fully paid. In the case where the principal tax is lower than 10,000 yen, the delinquent tax is not imposed.
(Calculating formula)
 Principal tax × Delinquent tax rate × Delayed days / 365 days

1. For two months from the day following the due date for tax payment
 2.6% is applied in principle.

2. After two months from the day following the due date for tax payment
 8.9% is applied in principle.

 Be careful not to neglect or be late to file a tax return since additional burden will be imposed as above. Don’t ever think that you can evade the tax liability. The authority will find out the tax evasions. Get in touch today since only 1 week is left for the tax return.



Get in touch with us today – we’ll be happy to offer you a FREE initial consultation.
Thanks for visiting!

Masashi Iwasawa

Certified Accountant / Business Advisor / Taxation Consultant based in Tokyo.
Lover of traveling, climbing mountains, reading books, learning new languages, and gym.